Tag turkey orders formal arrest of nine cumhuriyet newspaper staff ntv

It appears that you're referring to a recent news event. Here's a summary:

On November 26, 2016, Turkish authorities issued arrest warrants for nine staff members of the Cumhuriyet newspaper, a prominent opposition publication in Turkey. The warrants were issued as part of a broader crackdown on perceived enemies of the state following a failed military coup in July 2016.

The nine individuals arrested were:

  1. Can Dündar, the editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet
  2. Erdem Gül, the paper's Ankara bureau chief
  3. Murat Sabuncu, the paper's editor-in-chief
  4. Akın Atalay, the paper's executive editor
  5. Bülent Yıldırım, the paper's Istanbul bureau chief
  6. Hikmet Çetinkaya, a columnist
  7. Kadri Gürsel, a columnist
  8. Turhan Günay, a columnist
  9. Önder Çelik, a journalist

The arrests were made under charges of espionage, treason, and aiding a terrorist organization, specifically the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Gulen movement, which is blamed for the failed coup.

Cumhuriyet has been a vocal critic of the Turkish government and has published articles critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his government. The arrests have been widely condemned by international human rights organizations and journalists' groups, who see them as an attempt to silence opposition voices in Turkey.

It's worth noting that Turkey has been experiencing a significant crackdown on press freedom and freedom of expression in recent years, with many journalists and media outlets facing arrest, imprisonment, or closure.