Tag trump says clinton policy on syria would lead to world war three

I think you meant to say "Donald Trump" rather than "tag trump"!

On September 7, 2016, during the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Trump made a statement about Clinton's policy on Syria. Here's what he said:

"Donald Trump: 'She talks about no-fly zones, which will lead to World War III. Believe me, folks, it's going to be a disaster. She talks about no-fly zones, which will lead to World War III. Nobody knows more about no-fly zones than I do. I've written about it, I've talked about it, I've done it. And I can tell you, it's a disaster. It's a disaster. And she wants to do it in Syria, which is a total disaster.'"

Clinton responded by saying that a no-fly zone in Syria would be a way to protect civilians and prevent further violence, and that it would not necessarily lead to World War III.