Tag trump clash over economy in final campaign stretch

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Tag Trump Clash Over Economy in Final Campaign Stretch

As the 2020 US presidential election enters its final stretch, the economic policies of Democratic nominee Joe Biden and incumbent President Donald Trump are under intense scrutiny. The two candidates have been trading barbs over their approaches to the economy, with each side accusing the other of being out of touch with American workers.

Trump's Economic Record

President Trump has touted his administration's economic achievements, including a record-low unemployment rate and a surge in stock market values. He has also emphasized his efforts to reduce taxes and regulations, which he claims have boosted economic growth.

However, critics argue that the benefits of Trump's policies have largely accrued to the wealthy and large corporations, while many Americans have seen their wages stagnate and their healthcare costs rise.

Biden's Economic Plan

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has proposed a range of economic policies aimed at addressing income inequality and promoting economic growth. His plan includes increasing the minimum wage, investing in infrastructure and education, and implementing a more progressive tax system.

Biden has also criticized Trump's handling of the economy, accusing him of prioritizing the interests of big donors and corporations over those of working-class Americans.

Key Issues

Some of the key economic issues that have emerged in the campaign include:

  1. Tax Cuts: Trump has touted his 2017 tax cuts as a major achievement, while Biden has argued that they have disproportionately benefited the wealthy and large corporations.
  2. Trade Policy: Trump has implemented a series of tariffs on imported goods, which have been met with criticism from many economists and business leaders. Biden has proposed a more nuanced approach to trade, emphasizing the importance of fair trade agreements and cooperation with allies.
  3. Healthcare: The two candidates have differing views on healthcare policy, with Trump seeking to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Biden seeking to build on the ACA's successes.
  4. Infrastructure: Both candidates have proposed significant investments in infrastructure, but they differ on how to pay for these investments and what types of projects should be prioritized.


As the election approaches, the economic policies of Trump and Biden will continue to be a major focus of the campaign. The outcome of the election will likely have significant implications for the US economy and the lives of American workers.