Tag truce

A "tag truce" is a temporary agreement between two or more players in a game of tag to stop playing and not tag each other for a set period of time. This can be useful in situations where one or more players are tired, injured, or need a break.

Here are some common rules for a tag truce:

  1. The truce is agreed upon by all players involved.
  2. The truce is for a specific amount of time, such as 5-10 minutes.
  3. During the truce, no player can tag another player.
  4. Players can still move around and do other activities, but they cannot tag each other.
  5. The truce can be ended at any time by any player, but it is generally considered polite to give a warning before resuming the game.

Tag truces can be a fun way to add some variety to a game of tag and give players a break from the action. They can also be a good way to resolve conflicts or disputes that may have arisen during the game.