Tag trade union congress

The Trade Union Congress (TUC) is a national trade union center in the United Kingdom. Here are some key facts about the TUC:

Mission: The TUC's mission is to promote and defend the rights and interests of working people, and to campaign for a fairer and more equal society.

History: The TUC was founded in 1868 and is one of the oldest trade union centers in the world.

Membership: The TUC has over 5.5 million members from more than 48 unions, making it one of the largest trade union centers in the world.

Objectives: The TUC's objectives include:

Activities: The TUC is involved in a wide range of activities, including:

Leadership: The TUC is led by a General Secretary, who is currently Frances O'Grady. The TUC also has a General Council, which is made up of representatives from each of the affiliated unions.

Affiliates: The TUC has 48 affiliated unions, including some of the largest and most well-known unions in the UK, such as Unite, Unison, and the GMB.

International links: The TUC is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and has links with trade unions and trade union centers around the world.

Social media: The TUC is active on social media, with a strong presence on Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms.