Tag to face trial

I think you meant "tag to face trial"!

In the context of a trial, "tag" likely refers to a witness or a piece of evidence that is being presented in court. "Face trial" means to be put on trial or to be tested in a court of law.

So, in this case, "tag to face trial" would mean that a witness or evidence is being presented in court to be tested or scrutinized by the judge, jury, or opposing counsel.

Here are a few possible ways to interpret this phrase:

  1. A key witness is being called to testify and will face questioning from both sides.
  2. A crucial piece of evidence is being presented, and its authenticity or relevance will be tested in court.
  3. A defendant is about to face trial, and the prosecution will present its case against them.

Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can help with!