Tag tiktok x team dance

Here's a TikTok-style dance challenge for the song "X" by Jonas Brothers:

Challenge Name: #XTeamDance

Song: "X" by Jonas Brothers

Dance Moves:

  1. Start in a neutral position with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Take a small step to the left with your left foot and swing your right arm across your body, as if you're swishing a basketball.
  3. Quickly snap your right arm back to the starting position and take a small step to the right with your right foot.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3, alternating sides.
  5. As the chorus kicks in, jump up and land in a squat position, with your hands on your knees.
  6. From the squat position, pop up into a standing position and throw your arms up in the air.
  7. Repeat the squat-pop-up move a few times, adding in some hip swivels and arm waves for flair.
  8. As the song builds towards the end, get low and start dancing with your hands on the ground, using your arms to propel yourself up and down.
  9. End the dance by striking a pose, with one hand on your hip and the other arm extended overhead.

Tips and Variations:

Example Video:

(Upbeat music starts playing. The dancer is standing in a neutral position, looking directly at the camera.)

Dancer: "Get ready to dance with the #XTeamDance!"

(Dancer starts performing the dance moves, incorporating some fun and energetic gestures.)

Dancer: "Who's with me? Let's get this dance party started!"

(Dancer strikes a pose, with one hand on their hip and the other arm extended overhead.)

Dancer: "That's a wrap! Thanks for dancing with me! #XTeamDance"

(The video ends with a shot of the dancer winking at the camera and holding up a sign that says "X Team Dance".)