Tag tiktok wait a minute

I see what you did there!

"Tag TikTok, wait a minute..." is a popular phrase that has become a meme on the platform. It's often used to express surprise, excitement, or even frustration when something unexpected happens on TikTok.

For those who may not be familiar, the phrase is usually used in a video where someone is scrolling through their For You page, and they come across a post that surprises them or makes them go "wait a minute!" The phrase is then captioned with "Tag TikTok, wait a minute..." and the video is often set to a catchy song or sound effect.

The phrase has become a cultural reference point on TikTok, and it's often used to poke fun at the platform's algorithm or the unexpected things that can happen when you're scrolling through your feed.

So, what's your favorite TikTok moment that made you go "wait a minute?"