Tag tiktok russian song

Here are some popular Russian songs on TikTok:

  1. "Катюша" (Katyusha) by Georgy Vinogradov - a classic Russian song that has been trending on TikTok.
  2. "Я не могу без тебя" (I Can't Live Without You) by Valeriya - a popular Russian pop song that has been used in many TikTok videos.
  3. "Мама" (Mama) by Zemfira - a heartwarming song about a mother's love that has been used in many emotional TikTok videos.
  4. "Снегурочка" (Snegurochka) by Boris Moiseev - a fun and upbeat song that has been used in many dance and lip-sync TikTok videos.
  5. "Ой, то не ветер выдувает" (Oh, It's Not the Wind Blowing) by Nyusha - a popular Russian pop song that has been used in many TikTok videos.
  6. "Ветер перемен" (The Wind of Change) by Dima Bilan - a powerful song that has been used in many inspirational and motivational TikTok videos.
  7. "Сердце не камень" (The Heart is Not a Stone) by Zemfira - a beautiful song that has been used in many emotional and romantic TikTok videos.
  8. "Я не люблю тебя" (I Don't Love You) by Valeriya - a popular Russian pop song that has been used in many dramatic and emotional TikTok videos.
  9. "Моя любовь" (My Love) by Nyusha - a romantic song that has been used in many love-themed TikTok videos.
  10. "Всё будет хорошо" (Everything Will Be Okay) by Dima Bilan - a uplifting song that has been used in many motivational and inspirational TikTok videos.

These are just a few examples of popular Russian songs on TikTok. You can search for these songs on TikTok to see how users have used them in their videos.