Tag tiktok pranks

The art of TikTok pranks! Here are some popular and hilarious tag pranks that you can try:

1. The "I'm a ghost" prank: Tag a friend and pretend to be a ghost, making strange noises and movements to freak them out.

2. The "Fake news" prank: Create a fake news report or article about something ridiculous, and tag a friend to see how long it takes them to realize it's a joke.

3. The "Mystery box" prank: Wrap up a small gift or surprise and tag a friend, telling them it's a mystery box that they have to open.

4. The "Fake phone call" prank: Call a friend and pretend to be someone else, like a celebrity or a authority figure, to see how they react.

5. The "Reverse prank": Tag a friend and pretend to be them, making them think they're going crazy.

6. The "Fake challenge" prank: Create a fake challenge or dare and tag a friend, seeing if they'll take the bait.

7. The "Hidden camera" prank: Set up a hidden camera and tag a friend, recording their reactions when they discover it.

8. The "Fake food" prank: Prepare a fake meal or snack and tag a friend, seeing how long it takes them to realize it's not real.

9. The "Fake surprise" prank: Plan a fake surprise party or celebration and tag a friend, seeing how they react when they walk in.

10. The "Fake game" prank: Create a fake game or challenge and tag a friend, seeing how long it takes them to realize it's not real.

11. The "Fake talent" prank: Pretend to have a fake talent or skill and tag a friend, seeing how they react when you "perform".

12. The "Fake news anchor" prank: Create a fake news broadcast and tag a friend, seeing how long it takes them to realize it's a joke.

13. The "Fake celebrity" prank: Pretend to be a celebrity and tag a friend, seeing how they react when they think they're meeting a famous person.

14. The "Fake expert" prank: Pretend to be an expert on a topic and tag a friend, seeing how they react when you start giving them "advice".

15. The "Fake treasure hunt" prank: Create a fake treasure hunt and tag a friend, seeing how long it takes them to realize it's a joke.

Remember to always keep your pranks light-hearted and harmless, and never target someone who might get upset or embarrassed. Happy pranking!