Tag tiktok mashup 2021

Here's a tag TikTok mashup 2021:

Song: "Peaches" by Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon

TikTok Mashup:

(0:00) @charlidamelio - "Peaches" dance challenge (0:05) @addisonre - "Peaches" lip sync with a twist (0:10) @zachking - "Peaches" magic trick (0:15) @dixiedamelio - "Peaches" dance battle with her sister Charli (0:20) @spencerx - "Peaches" comedy skit (0:25) @avaniyoga - "Peaches" yoga challenge (0:30) @willneal - "Peches" beatboxing (0:35) @larray - "Peaches" dance battle with his friends (0:40) @emmachamberlain - "Peaches" comedy skit (0:45) @noahbeck - "Peaches" lip sync with a twist (0:50) @dixiedamelio - "Peaches" dance battle with her friends (0:55) @addisonre - "Peaches" lip sync with a twist (1:00) @charlidamelio - "Peaches" dance challenge

Hashtags: #Peaches #JustinBieber #TikTokMashup #2021 #CharliDAmelio #AddisonRee #ZachKing #DixieDAmelio #SpencerX #AvaniYoga #WillNeal #Larray #EmmaChamberlain #NoahBeck