Tag tiktok funny videos 2022

Here are some funny TikTok videos from 2022 that you might enjoy:

1. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy-saving mode"

A hilarious skit about being lazy, with a relatable twist. (4.5M views)

2. "When you finally understand a joke"

A comedic take on the feeling of finally getting a joke after not understanding it for a while. (3.5M views)

3. "I tried to cook a frozen pizza in the microwave"

A cringe-worthy attempt at cooking a frozen pizza in the microwave, with disastrous results. (2.5M views)

4. "When you're trying to be healthy but your body has other plans"

A funny skit about trying to eat healthy, but your body has other plans. (2.2M views)

5. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right"

A humorous take on the age-old debate about who's right and who's wrong. (2.1M views)

6. "When you're trying to take a selfie but your face is having none of it"

A relatable skit about trying to take a selfie, but your face just won't cooperate. (1.8M views)

7. "I tried to make a viral dance challenge"

A funny attempt at creating a viral dance challenge, with some... interesting results. (1.7M views)

8. "When you're trying to adult but you're still a kid at heart"

A comedic take on the struggle to balance being an adult with still being a kid at heart. (1.6M views)

9. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person"

A humorous skit about not being a morning person, but being a coffee person. (1.5M views)

10. "When you're trying to be productive but you're just procrastinating"

A relatable skit about trying to be productive, but really just procrastinating. (1.4M views)

These are just a few examples of the many funny TikTok videos out there. I hope you enjoy them!