Tag tickets

You're referring to tagging tickets in a ticketing system!

Tagging tickets is a way to categorize and organize tickets in a ticketing system, such as JIRA, Trello, or Zendesk. Tags are keywords or labels that are assigned to a ticket to help identify its topic, priority, or other relevant information.

Here are some common use cases for tagging tickets:

  1. Categorization: Tags can be used to categorize tickets by topic, such as "bug", "feature request", or "support".
  2. Prioritization: Tags can be used to indicate the priority of a ticket, such as "high", "medium", or "low".
  3. Status tracking: Tags can be used to track the status of a ticket, such as "in progress", "on hold", or "resolved".
  4. Filtering: Tags can be used to filter tickets by specific criteria, such as "show me all tickets tagged as 'urgent'".
  5. Reporting: Tags can be used to generate reports on specific topics or categories of tickets.

Some common tags used in ticketing systems include:

By using tags effectively, you can improve the organization and visibility of your tickets, making it easier to manage and prioritize your work.