Tag theft and obtaining by false pretences

A serious and complex topic!

Tag theft and obtaining by false pretences are two related but distinct criminal offenses. Here's a breakdown of each:

Tag Theft:

Tag theft, also known as "shoplifting" or "retail theft," is the act of taking a product or merchandise from a store without paying for it. This can include:

  1. Concealing merchandise on one's person or in a bag or container.
  2. Swapping or switching price tags or labels on merchandise.
  3. Removing or destroying security devices, such as security tags or alarms.

Tag theft is a form of theft, and the consequences can be severe, including fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record.

Obtaining by False Pretences:

Obtaining by false pretences is a criminal offense that involves obtaining goods, services, or money by making false or misleading representations. This can include:

  1. Making false claims about the value, quality, or authenticity of a product.
  2. Misrepresenting one's identity, occupation, or financial situation.
  3. Falsely claiming to have a right or entitlement to a product or service.

Obtaining by false pretences is a form of fraud, and the consequences can be severe, including fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record.

Key differences:

  1. Intent: Tag theft is typically motivated by a desire to obtain goods without paying for them, while obtaining by false pretences is motivated by a desire to deceive and obtain goods or services through false representations.
  2. Method: Tag theft often involves concealing or removing merchandise, while obtaining by false pretences involves making false claims or representations.
  3. Jurisdiction: Tag theft is typically prosecuted under retail theft or shoplifting laws, while obtaining by false pretences is prosecuted under fraud laws.


Both tag theft and obtaining by false pretences can result in serious consequences, including:

  1. Fines: Monetary penalties can be imposed for each offense.
  2. Imprisonment: Conviction can result in imprisonment, ranging from a few months to several years.
  3. Criminal record: A conviction can lead to a criminal record, which can impact future employment, education, and other opportunities.
  4. Restitution: Victims may seek restitution for losses incurred as a result of the offense.

It's essential to understand that both tag theft and obtaining by false pretences are serious offenses that can have significant consequences. If you're facing charges for either offense, it's crucial to seek legal advice from an experienced criminal defense attorney.