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Tesla Turns Profit: A Milestone Achievement

On July 26, 2020, Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) announced its second consecutive quarter of profitability, marking a significant milestone for the electric vehicle (EV) pioneer. This achievement is a testament to the company's relentless efforts to improve its operations, reduce costs, and increase revenue.

The Profitable Quarter

In the second quarter of 2020 (Q2 2020), Tesla reported a net income of $104 million, or $0.78 per diluted share, on revenue of $6.04 billion. This represents a significant improvement from the same quarter last year, when the company reported a net loss of $408 million.

Key Factors Contributing to Profitability

Several factors contributed to Tesla's profitable quarter:

  1. Increased Vehicle Deliveries: Tesla delivered 90,650 vehicles in Q2 2020, a 5% increase from the previous quarter and a 15% increase from the same quarter last year.
  2. Improved Gross Margin: The company's gross margin expanded to 20.4%, up from 17.5% in the previous quarter, driven by higher vehicle prices and reduced production costs.
  3. Reduced Operating Expenses: Tesla's operating expenses decreased by 10% from the previous quarter, primarily due to cost savings initiatives and reduced research and development expenses.
  4. SolarCity Acquisition: The acquisition of SolarCity in 2016 has started to bear fruit, with solar energy generation and storage products contributing to the company's revenue growth.

What's Next for Tesla?

With profitability established, Tesla is poised to continue its growth trajectory. The company has several initiatives underway to further improve its operations and increase revenue:

  1. Model Y Production: Tesla is ramping up production of the Model Y, its latest electric SUV, which is expected to become a significant contributor to the company's revenue.
  2. Gigafactory Expansion: Tesla is expanding its Gigafactory network, which will increase its battery production capacity and reduce costs.
  3. Autonomous Driving: The company is investing heavily in autonomous driving technology, which has the potential to generate significant revenue through its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) features.
  4. Energy Products: Tesla's energy products, including the Powerwall and Powerpack, are gaining traction, and the company is exploring new opportunities in the energy storage market.


Tesla's profitable quarter is a significant achievement, demonstrating the company's ability to adapt to changing market conditions and improve its operations. With a strong product lineup, expanding Gigafactory network, and growing energy products business, Tesla is well-positioned for continued growth and profitability in the future.