Tag temple ban lifted

You're referring to the recent news about the Tag Temple in India!

Yes, you're correct. The ban on the Tag Temple, also known as the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, has been lifted. The temple is one of the most sacred Hindu shrines in India, dedicated to Lord Shiva.

The ban was imposed by the Indian government in 1983, citing concerns over the temple's proximity to the Gyanvapi Mosque, which is located nearby. The mosque was built by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb in the 17th century, and the temple was allegedly destroyed to make way for the mosque.

However, in recent years, there have been efforts to resolve the issue and allow Hindus to worship at the temple. In 2020, the Indian government announced plans to build a corridor connecting the temple to the Gyanvapi Mosque, which would allow devotees to access the temple without having to walk through the mosque.

The ban was officially lifted in March 2022, and the temple has since been reopened to devotees. The move has been seen as a significant step towards promoting religious harmony and tolerance in India.

It's worth noting that the issue is still contentious, and some Muslim groups have expressed concerns over the move. However, the Indian government has maintained that the decision is aimed at promoting religious freedom and equality for all citizens.