Tag technocrats

The term "technocrats" refers to individuals who believe that technology and scientific expertise should play a central role in decision-making and governance. Here are some notable technocrats:


  1. Milton Friedman - Nobel laureate and advocate for free market economics.
  2. Friedrich Hayek - Austrian economist and philosopher who emphasized the importance of individual freedom and limited government intervention.
  3. Paul Krugman - Nobel laureate and prominent economist who has written extensively on globalization and economic policy.


  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson - Astrophysicist and science communicator who has advocated for evidence-based decision-making.
  2. Bill Nye - Science educator and advocate for critical thinking and skepticism.
  3. Stephen Hawking - Theoretical physicist and cosmologist who has written extensively on the intersection of science and society.


  1. Elon Musk - Entrepreneur and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, who has advocated for the use of technology to address global challenges.
  2. Mark Zuckerberg - Co-founder and CEO of Facebook, who has spoken about the need for technology to be used for social good.
  3. Tim Berners-Lee - Inventor of the World Wide Web, who has advocated for an open and decentralized internet.


  1. Alvin Toffler - Futurist and author who has written extensively on the impact of technology on society.
  2. Ray Kurzweil - Inventor and futurist who has written about the accelerating pace of technological change and its implications for humanity.
  3. Nick Bostrom - Philosopher and director of the Future of Humanity Institute, who has written about the risks and challenges posed by advanced technologies.

These individuals are just a few examples of technocrats who have made significant contributions to our understanding of the role of technology in society.