Tag swedens defence minister peter hultqvist speaks at a news conference in baghdad

Here is a possible transcript of the speech:

[Scene: A news conference in Baghdad, Iraq. Sweden's Defence Minister, Peter Hultqvist, stands at the podium, flanked by Iraqi officials and journalists.]

Peter Hultqvist: Thank you, thank you. It's an honor to be here in Baghdad today to discuss the important issues of regional security and cooperation.

[Journalist 1]: Minister Hultqvist, can you start by telling us about the purpose of your visit to Iraq?

Peter Hultqvist: Yes, of course. As the Defence Minister of Sweden, I am here to reaffirm our country's commitment to supporting the Iraqi government and people in their fight against terrorism and extremism. We believe that a stable and secure Iraq is essential for regional stability and global security.

[Journalist 2]: Minister, what specific measures is Sweden taking to support Iraq's security efforts?

Peter Hultqvist: We are providing military assistance, including training and capacity-building programs for the Iraqi security forces. We are also providing financial support to help rebuild and strengthen the Iraqi military. Additionally, we are working closely with the Iraqi government to share intelligence and coordinate our efforts to combat terrorism.

[Journalist 3]: Minister, how do you assess the current security situation in Iraq?

Peter Hultqvist: The security situation in Iraq remains challenging, but we are seeing progress. The Iraqi security forces have made significant gains against ISIS, and we are confident that they will continue to make progress in the coming months. However, we also recognize that the threat from terrorism and extremism is ongoing, and we must remain vigilant and continue to work together to address these challenges.

[Journalist 4]: Minister, what message do you have for the people of Iraq?

Peter Hultqvist: To the people of Iraq, I want to say that Sweden stands with you in your struggle against terrorism and extremism. We recognize the sacrifices that you have made and the challenges that you continue to face. We are committed to supporting you and working together to build a more secure and prosperous future for all Iraqis.

[Scene: The news conference concludes, and Minister Hultqvist exits the podium, accompanied by his delegation.]