Tag sulaiman alao adekunle malaika

I'm assuming you want me to tag Sulaiman Alao Adekunle Malaika on social media. However, I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to tag individuals on social media platforms. But I can suggest some ways you can tag him:

  1. If you know his social media handles, you can manually type his handle and add the @ symbol before it. For example, if his handle is @sulaimanalao, you can type @sulaimanalao.
  2. If you're using a social media platform that allows you to search for users, you can search for his name and select his profile from the search results.
  3. If you're using a messaging app or a chat platform, you can type his name and add the @ symbol before it, and the platform will suggest his profile or handle.

Please note that I'm not aware of Sulaiman Alao Adekunle Malaika's social media handles, so you may need to search for them yourself.