Tag sukuk


Sukuk is a type of Islamic bond or investment certificate that complies with Shariah law. Here are some key tags related to Sukuk:


  1. Islamic Finance: Sukuk is a key component of Islamic finance, which is a financial system that operates in accordance with Islamic law (Shariah).
  2. Shariah-compliant: Sukuk is designed to be Shariah-compliant, meaning it does not involve interest or other elements that are prohibited in Islamic finance.
  3. Islamic bonds: Sukuk is often referred to as an Islamic bond, as it is a type of debt instrument that is issued by a corporation or government to raise capital.
  4. Asset-backed: Sukuk is often asset-backed, meaning that the issuer uses the proceeds from the sukuk issuance to purchase assets, such as real estate or commodities, which are then used to generate income.
  5. Murabaha: Sukuk can be structured using the murabaha principle, which involves the purchase and sale of assets at a markup.
  6. Ijara: Sukuk can also be structured using the ijara principle, which involves the leasing of assets to the sukuk holder.
  7. Sukuk al-ijara: This is a type of sukuk that involves the leasing of assets to the sukuk holder, with the lessee having the option to purchase the assets at the end of the lease period.
  8. Sukuk al-istisna: This is a type of sukuk that involves the construction of assets, such as real estate or infrastructure projects, with the sukuk holder having the option to purchase the assets at the end of the construction period.
  9. Sukuk al-musharaka: This is a type of sukuk that involves the partnership between the issuer and the sukuk holder, with the sukuk holder having a share in the profits and losses of the partnership.
  10. Sukuk al-wakala: This is a type of sukuk that involves the appointment of a wakil (agent) to manage the assets and generate income on behalf of the sukuk holder.

These tags provide a good starting point for exploring the world of Sukuk and Islamic finance!