Tag standards organisation of nigeria son

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) is a government agency responsible for ensuring that products and services in Nigeria meet certain standards of quality, safety, and performance. Here are some of the key standards and regulations set by SON:

  1. Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS): SON develops and publishes NIS, which are national standards that cover a wide range of products and services, including food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and construction materials.
  2. Conformity Assessment Programmes (CAPs): SON has established CAPs to ensure that products and services conform to NIS and other international standards. CAPs include testing, inspection, and certification of products.
  3. Compulsory Certification Scheme (CCS): SON requires certain products to be certified before they can be imported, sold, or used in Nigeria. The CCS covers products such as electrical appliances, textiles, and pharmaceuticals.
  4. Pre-Shipment Verification Programme (PSVP): SON verifies the quality and safety of products before they are shipped to Nigeria. This program helps to prevent the importation of substandard products.
  5. National Quality Policy (NQP): SON is responsible for implementing the NQP, which aims to promote quality and excellence in all aspects of Nigerian life.
  6. Standards for Food and Beverages: SON sets standards for food and beverages to ensure that they are safe for consumption and meet certain quality requirements.
  7. Standards for Pharmaceuticals: SON sets standards for pharmaceuticals to ensure that they are safe, effective, and of good quality.
  8. Standards for Electrical and Electronics Products: SON sets standards for electrical and electronics products to ensure that they are safe and meet certain performance requirements.
  9. Standards for Construction Materials: SON sets standards for construction materials to ensure that they are safe and meet certain quality requirements.
  10. Standards for Textiles and Apparel: SON sets standards for textiles and apparel to ensure that they are safe and meet certain quality requirements.

These are just a few examples of the standards and regulations set by the Standards Organisation of Nigeria.