Tag president buhari watching tv in london on 22 january

I'm happy to help! However, I must clarify that President Muhammadu Buhari is the President of Nigeria, not the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that he would be watching TV in London on January 22nd.

But, if you're looking for a humorous take, I can try to come up with a fictional scenario for you!

Tag: President Buhari Watching TV in London on January 22nd

[Scene: A cozy living room in a London hotel, January 22nd. President Buhari is sitting on a plush couch, wearing a comfortable pair of slippers and a warm robe. He's engrossed in a TV show, laughing at a particularly funny joke.]

President Buhari: (to himself) Ah, this British humor is quite amusing!

[Cut to a shot of the TV screen, showing a popular British sitcom.]

TV Announcer: And now, it's time for the main event! The Queen of England is about to make a surprise appearance!

[President Buhari's eyes widen in surprise, and he quickly grabs the remote control to change the channel.]

President Buhari: (excitedly) Ah, ah, ah! I must see this!

[Cut to a shot of the Queen of England, looking regal and dignified, as she walks onto the TV screen.]

President Buhari: (whispering to himself) Ah, the Queen is a stunner! I must make sure to invite her to Nigeria for a state visit.

[Cut to a shot of President Buhari, still watching TV with a big smile on his face.]

President Buhari: (to himself) Ah, this is the life! Watching TV in London, feeling like a king...

[The scene fades to black, as President Buhari continues to enjoy his TV show.]

Of course, this is all just fictional fun, and not meant to be taken seriously!