Tag polytechnic act

The Tagore Polytechnic Act is a legislation that was enacted in India in 1951 to establish and govern the Tagore Polytechnic, a premier technical institution in the country. The act was passed by the West Bengal Legislative Assembly and was signed into law by the Governor of West Bengal on August 24, 1951.

The Tagore Polytechnic Act is a comprehensive legislation that outlines the objectives, powers, and functions of the Tagore Polytechnic, as well as the rights and responsibilities of its students, teachers, and other stakeholders. The act is based on the principles of democratic governance and aims to promote technical education and research in the country.

Some of the key provisions of the Tagore Polytechnic Act include:

  1. Establishment of the Tagore Polytechnic: The act establishes the Tagore Polytechnic as a premier technical institution in the country, with the objective of providing technical education and training to students.
  2. Powers of the Governing Body: The act confers powers on the Governing Body of the Tagore Polytechnic to manage the institution, including the power to appoint teachers, staff, and other employees.
  3. Academic Programmes: The act outlines the academic programmes offered by the Tagore Polytechnic, including diploma and degree courses in various fields of engineering and technology.
  4. Admission and Selection: The act provides for the admission and selection of students to the Tagore Polytechnic, including the criteria for admission and the process of selection.
  5. Fees and Finances: The act outlines the fees and finances of the Tagore Polytechnic, including the fees payable by students and the sources of funding for the institution.
  6. Governance and Administration: The act provides for the governance and administration of the Tagore Polytechnic, including the powers and functions of the Governing Body and the Principal of the institution.
  7. Disciplinary Action: The act provides for disciplinary action against students who violate the rules and regulations of the Tagore Polytechnic.

Overall, the Tagore Polytechnic Act is an important legislation that has played a significant role in promoting technical education and research in India.