Tag police confirms killing of 6 suspected criminals terrorizing rivers state

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The Tactical Squad (TAG) of the Rivers State Police Command has confirmed the killing of six suspected criminals who have been terrorizing the state.

According to a statement issued by the Command's Public Relations Officer, DSP Nnamdi Omoni, the suspected criminals were killed in a shootout with the police at about 2:00 am on [date] at [location].

The statement said that the suspects, who were armed to the teeth, had been terrorizing the people of Rivers State, particularly in the [area] axis, and had been responsible for several cases of armed robbery, kidnapping, and murder.

The police, acting on intelligence, tracked the suspects to their hideout and engaged them in a fierce gun battle, which lasted for several hours. Unfortunately, six of the suspects were killed in the shootout, while others escaped with gunshot wounds.

The statement said that the police recovered several arms and ammunition from the scene of the shootout, including AK-47 rifles, pump-action guns, and live cartridges.

The Rivers State Police Command has commended the TAG team for their bravery and professionalism in bringing the suspected criminals to justice.

The Command has also appealed to the people of Rivers State to continue to provide information that would help the police to apprehend other suspected criminals still at large.

The statement said that the police would continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the state is safe and secure for all citizens.