Tag police commands

Here are some common police commands and tags:

General Commands

  1. "Stop!" - Stop immediately.
  2. "Halt!" - Stop immediately.
  3. "Freeze!" - Stop moving and do not make any sudden movements.
  4. "Stay where you are!" - Do not move from your current location.
  5. "Back up!" - Move backwards slowly and carefully.

Arrest and Restraint

  1. "Hands up!" - Raise your hands above your head to show they are empty and not a threat.
  2. "Put your hands behind your back!" - Place your hands behind your back to be handcuffed.
  3. "Get down!" - Lie down on the ground to prevent further conflict.
  4. "Spread your legs!" - Spread your legs apart to make it easier to handcuff you.
  5. "Do not resist!" - Do not resist arrest or attempt to flee.

Search and Seizure

  1. "Turn around!" - Turn around to face the officer to facilitate a search.
  2. "Raise your arms!" - Raise your arms to allow for a pat-down search.
  3. "Empty your pockets!" - Empty your pockets to allow for a search.
  4. "Open your bag!" - Open your bag or container to allow for a search.
  5. "Do not move!" - Do not move or attempt to hide any items during a search.

Other Commands

  1. "Stay calm!" - Remain calm and composed to prevent escalation.
  2. "Do not make any sudden movements!" - Avoid making sudden movements to prevent misinterpretation.
  3. "Do not resist!" - Do not resist arrest or attempt to flee.
  4. "Do not attempt to flee!" - Do not attempt to run away from the officer.
  5. "Do not make any threats!" - Do not make any threats or aggressive statements.

Remember, these commands are intended to be used in a controlled and safe manner by trained law enforcement officers.