Tag poker

Tag Poker!

Tag Poker is a variation of Texas Hold'em Poker that adds a new twist to the classic game. In Tag Poker, players are divided into two teams, and each player is assigned a "tag" or a specific role.

Here's a brief overview of how the game works:

  1. Team Formation: Players are divided into two teams, usually with an even number of players per team.
  2. Tag Assignment: Each player is assigned a "tag" or a specific role, which can be one of the following:
    • Tagger: The player who is assigned to be the "tagger" is responsible for trying to eliminate the opposing team's players.
    • Runner: The player who is assigned to be the "runner" is responsible for trying to survive and accumulate chips.
  3. Gameplay: The game is played like a standard game of Texas Hold'em, with each player receiving two private cards and five community cards being dealt face-up on the table.
  4. Tagging: The Tagger can choose to "tag" an opponent's player at any time during the hand, forcing that player to fold and leaving their team with one fewer player.
  5. Winning the Hand: The team that wins the hand earns chips, and the game continues until one team reaches a predetermined number of chips or a set amount of time has passed.
  6. Elimination: If a player is tagged, they are eliminated from the game, and their team must continue with one fewer player.

Tag Poker adds a new level of strategy and teamwork to the classic game of Texas Hold'em. It requires players to work together, communicate effectively, and make strategic decisions to succeed.

Are you ready to give Tag Poker a try?