Tag petrol should sell for n151 87litre marketers

A very specific question!

According to the current market prices in Nigeria, the price of PMS (Petrol) is regulated by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA).

As of today, the official pump price of petrol in Nigeria is N162.50 per liter. However, this price can vary depending on the location, with prices often being higher in urban areas and lower in rural areas.

Based on this information, if you are asking how much a marketer should sell 87 liters of petrol for, you can calculate the total amount as follows:

87 liters x N162.50 per liter = N14,137.50

So, a marketer should sell 87 liters of petrol for a total of N14,137.50.