Tag pegs lending rate at 14

You're referring to the interest rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for lending by commercial banks in Nigeria.

As of today, the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) - also known as the Lending Rate - is indeed set at 14% by the CBN. This means that commercial banks in Nigeria are required to lend to their customers at an interest rate of at least 14% per annum.

The MPR is a key monetary policy tool used by the CBN to regulate the money supply in the economy and control inflation. By setting the MPR at 14%, the CBN aims to keep inflation in check and promote economic growth.

It's worth noting that commercial banks in Nigeria often set their own lending rates, which may be higher than the MPR. This is because they need to make a profit on their lending activities and may charge higher interest rates to cover their costs and risks.