Tag paul manafort

Paul Manafort, the former chairman of the Trump campaign, was a key figure in the 2016 presidential election. He was a longtime Republican strategist and consultant who worked for various political campaigns and organizations before joining the Trump campaign.

Manafort was born in 1949 in New York City and grew up in a wealthy family. He graduated from Georgetown University and later earned a law degree from New York University.

Manafort began his career in politics in the 1970s, working as a consultant for various Republican candidates and campaigns. He was a key strategist for the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan and later worked for the Republican National Committee.

In the 1990s, Manafort became a partner in a lobbying firm called Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, which represented various foreign governments and corporations. He also worked as a consultant for the Ukrainian government and its president, Viktor Yanukovych.

In 2016, Manafort joined the Trump campaign as its chairman, a position he held until August of that year. During his time on the campaign, Manafort was a key figure in shaping Trump's policy positions and messaging.

However, Manafort's tenure on the campaign was marked by controversy. He was accused of having ties to Russian officials and of using his position to influence Trump's policy decisions. He was also accused of having hidden millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and of lying to the FBI about his activities.

In August 2016, Manafort resigned from the Trump campaign amid allegations of his ties to Russia and Ukraine. He was later charged with multiple counts of financial fraud and conspiracy, including money laundering and tax evasion.

In 2018, Manafort was convicted of eight counts of financial fraud and conspiracy, including hiding millions of dollars in offshore bank accounts and lying to the FBI. He was sentenced to 47 months in prison and was ordered to pay a fine of $24.5 million.

Manafort's case has been seen as a key part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.