Tag organisation for economic cooperation

You're referring to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)!

The OECD is an intergovernmental economic organisation with 38 member countries, founded in 1961 to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development. Its headquarters are located in Paris, France.

The OECD's main goals are to:

  1. Promote economic growth: through policies that foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and competitiveness.
  2. Improve the well-being of citizens: by addressing social and environmental challenges, such as poverty, inequality, and climate change.
  3. Enhance the quality of life: by developing and implementing policies that support education, healthcare, and social protection.

The OECD's work is organized around several key areas, including:

  1. Economic policy: macroeconomic policy, fiscal policy, and structural policy.
  2. Social policy: social protection, education, and labour market policy.
  3. Environmental policy: climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable development.
  4. Trade and investment: trade policy, investment policy, and international trade agreements.
  5. Development: development cooperation, aid effectiveness, and sustainable development goals.

The OECD is known for its:

  1. Data and statistics: providing high-quality data and statistics on economic and social trends.
  2. Policy analysis and recommendations: conducting in-depth analysis and providing policy recommendations to its member countries.
  3. International cooperation: facilitating dialogue and cooperation among its member countries and other international organizations.

Some of the OECD's most notable publications include:

  1. Economic Surveys: in-depth analysis of the economic performance and policy challenges of its member countries.
  2. Better Life Index: a comprehensive measure of well-being and quality of life in OECD countries.
  3. PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment): an international assessment of student performance in reading, mathematics, and science.

Overall, the OECD plays a crucial role in promoting economic cooperation, policy dialogue, and sustainable development among its member countries and beyond.