Tag operators to implement ban on unsolicited messages

To implement a ban on unsolicited messages, you can use the following tags operators:

  1. @: The @ symbol is used to tag a user or a group of users. For example, @username would tag the user with the username username.

  2. @here: The @here tag is used to tag all users who are currently in the channel or group. For example, @here, this is a message for everyone in this channel.

  3. @everyone: The @everyone tag is used to tag all users who are members of the channel or group. For example, @everyone, this is a message for all members of this channel.

  4. @role: The @role tag is used to tag a specific role in a channel or group. For example, @role:admin, this is a message for all administrators in this channel.

Here are some examples of how you can use these tags to implement a ban on unsolicited messages:

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these tags in implementing a ban on unsolicited messages will depend on the specific platform or service you are using, as well as the level of cooperation from the users in the channel or group.