Tag operation cat dance

A fun one!

Here's a possible "tag operation cat dance" for you:

The Dance:

  1. Start: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Cat Stance: Bend your knees further and lower your body, keeping your back straight, like a cat ready to pounce.
  3. Tag: Quickly jump up and out to the side, as if you're tagging someone (or something).
  4. Dance: Land softly on the balls of your feet and immediately start dancing, moving your arms and hips to the rhythm.
  5. Flick: Flick your right arm out to the side, as if you're swatting at an invisible fly.
  6. Pounce: Jump up and land softly, with your knees bent, like a cat pouncing on prey.
  7. Repeat: Repeat the sequence, alternating arms and adding your own flair to the dance.

The Operation:

  1. Briefing: Gather your team and receive your mission briefing. Your objective is to complete the dance without getting "tagged" out.
  2. Mission: Start the dance, and when you're tagged, you're out. The last person standing wins.
  3. Strategy: Use your agility and quick reflexes to avoid getting tagged. You can also try to tag others to eliminate them from the game.
  4. Victory: The last person standing wins the game and gets to claim the title of "Master of the Tag Operation Cat Dance".

Are you ready to give it a try?