Tag onitsha anambra state

Onitsha is a city located in Anambra State, Nigeria. Here are some interesting facts and attractions about Onitsha:

Location: Onitsha is situated in the southeastern part of Nigeria, approximately 48 kilometers (30 miles) north of the city of Asaba, Delta State.

Population: As of 2020, the population of Onitsha is estimated to be around 1.2 million people.

Economy: Onitsha is a major commercial center in Nigeria, known for its bustling markets, particularly the famous Onitsha Main Market, which is one of the largest markets in West Africa.


  1. Onitsha Main Market: This market is a must-visit attraction in Onitsha, offering a wide range of goods, including textiles, clothing, shoes, and souvenirs.
  2. Holy Trinity Cathedral: This beautiful cathedral is a historic landmark in Onitsha, built in the early 20th century.
  3. Onitsha Museum: This museum showcases the history and culture of the Igbo people, with exhibits on traditional clothing, artifacts, and art.
  4. Okpanku Lake: This lake is a popular spot for boating and fishing, and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  5. Onitsha Bridge: This bridge connects Onitsha to Asaba, Delta State, and offers breathtaking views of the Niger River.

Cuisine: Onitsha is known for its delicious cuisine, which includes popular dishes such as:

  1. Akpu: A staple food made from cassava flour, often served with soup or stew.
  2. Ofe Akwu: A popular soup made with palm nut extract, meat or fish, and vegetables.
  3. Puff-Puff: A sweet fried dough snack that is popular in Onitsha.

Language: The main language spoken in Onitsha is Igbo, but English is also widely spoken.

Transportation: Onitsha is accessible by road, with buses and taxis available from major cities in Nigeria. The city is also connected to other parts of the country by rail and air.

Overall, Onitsha is a vibrant city with a rich history, culture, and economy. It is a popular tourist destination in Nigeria, attracting visitors from all over the world.