Tag oil workers call off strike

It seems like you're referring to the recent news about the strike by oil workers in Nigeria. Here's a summary:

Tag Oil Workers Call Off Strike

After a week-long strike, the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has called off its industrial action. The strike, which began on January 28, was in protest of the non-implementation of the 2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and other issues affecting the welfare of oil workers.

Reasons for the Strike

The union had demanded the implementation of the 2019 CBA, which includes improved salaries, better working conditions, and increased benefits for oil workers. They also sought the resolution of issues related to the non-payment of allowances, inadequate provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), and the lack of a comprehensive health insurance scheme for workers.


After a meeting with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and other stakeholders, PENGASSAN announced that the strike had been called off. The union agreed to suspend the strike pending the implementation of the 2019 CBA and the resolution of other outstanding issues.


The strike had significant implications for the Nigerian oil industry, with production levels affected and several oil fields shut down. The strike also had a ripple effect on the economy, with concerns raised about the potential impact on the country's revenue and foreign exchange earnings.

Next Steps

The union has given the government and the NNPC a 14-day ultimatum to implement the 2019 CBA and address other outstanding issues. If these demands are not met, PENGASSAN has threatened to resume the strike.

I hope this summary helps!