Tag ogun court sends 30 year old man to prison over alleged theft of yam

I think there may be some context missing here. A "tag ogun court" is not a real court, and it's unlikely that a court would send someone to prison over the theft of a yam, especially a 30-year-old man.

However, I can try to provide some context and possible explanations.

In Nigeria, where yams are a staple food, theft of yams is considered a serious offense, especially in rural areas where yams are a vital source of livelihood. In some cases, farmers may report theft of yams to the police, and if the perpetrator is caught, they may be charged with theft or vandalism.

It's possible that the 30-year-old man in question was accused of stealing yams from a farm or market, and the case was heard in a court of law. If the court found him guilty, he may have been sentenced to prison or a fine.

However, without more information, it's difficult to say for certain what happened in this case. It's also important to note that the Nigerian justice system is complex and can be influenced by various factors, including corruption and social and economic conditions.

In any case, I hope this provides some context and insight into the situation. If you have any more questions or would like to know more about the Nigerian justice system, feel free to ask!