Tag ogun assembly to enact law to check kidnappers

Here's a draft of a motion to be moved at the Ogun State House of Assembly to enact a law to check kidnappers:


Title: "A Bill for a Law to Prohibit Kidnapping and Related Offences in Ogun State and for Matters Connected Therewith"

Moved by: [Name of Mover]

Seconded by: [Name of Seconder]

Date: [Date of Motion]

WHEREAS, the scourge of kidnapping has become a major concern in Ogun State, causing fear and anxiety among the citizens, and has also led to the loss of lives and property;

AND WHEREAS, the existing laws in Ogun State are inadequate to effectively combat the menace of kidnapping, and there is a need to enact a special law to specifically address this issue;

AND WHEREAS, it is the duty of the Ogun State House of Assembly to make laws for the peace, order and good governance of the state;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows:

1. This Bill may be cited as the "Ogun State Kidnapping Prohibition Law, 2023".

2. The purpose of this Law is to prohibit kidnapping and related offences in Ogun State, and to provide for the punishment of offenders.

3. For the purposes of this Law, the following words shall have the meanings assigned to them:

4. Any person who kidnaps or attempts to kidnap another person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than 20 years and not more than life imprisonment.

5. Any person who aids, abets, or conspires with another person to commit the offence of kidnapping shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than 15 years and not more than 20 years.

6. Any person who extorts or attempts to extort money or other consideration from the family or friends of a kidnapped person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than 10 years and not more than 15 years.

7. The Commissioner of Police in Ogun State shall be responsible for the implementation of this Law, and shall have the power to investigate and prosecute any offence under this Law.

8. This Law shall come into force on the date of its passage and shall apply to all parts of Ogun State.

9. This Law shall be binding on all persons within the jurisdiction of Ogun State, and shall be enforced by all law enforcement agencies in the state.

10. This Law shall be published in the Official Gazette of Ogun State and shall be made available to the public.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, [Name of Speaker], Speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly, do hereby move that this Bill be read a first time and referred to the Committee on Justice, Human Rights and Public Petitions for further consideration and report.


[Name of Seconder]


[Date of Approval]

Note: This is just a draft and may need to be modified to fit the specific needs and requirements of the Ogun State House of Assembly.