Tag ogbomoso


Here are some interesting facts and tags about Ogbomoso:

Location: Ogbomoso is a city located in Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria.

Population: As of 2020, the population of Ogbomoso is approximately 400,000 people.

History: Ogbomoso was founded in the 17th century by the Ogbomoso people, who were a subgroup of the Yoruba ethnic group.

Culture: Ogbomoso is known for its rich cultural heritage, including its traditional music, dance, and art. The city is also home to several festivals throughout the year, including the Ogbomoso Festival, which celebrates the city's founding.

Economy: Ogbomoso is an important commercial center in Oyo State, with a thriving market system and a strong agricultural sector.

Education: Ogbomoso is home to several institutions of higher learning, including the Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH) and the Ogbomoso Polytechnic.

Tourism: Ogbomoso has several tourist attractions, including the Ogbomoso Museum, the Ogbomoso Palace, and the Ogbomoso Market.

Food: Ogbomoso is famous for its traditional dishes, including "Ogbomoso rice", "Ogbomoso pepper soup", and "Ogbomoso yam".

Sports: Ogbomoso is home to several sports teams, including the Ogbomoso United Football Club and the Ogbomoso Basketball Club.

Notable people: Ogbomoso has produced several notable individuals, including the late Nigerian musician, Ebenezer Obey, and the current Governor of Oyo State, Seyi Makinde.

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