Tag nuclear test

Here are some notable nuclear tests:

Early Years (1945-1960)

  1. Trinity (July 16, 1945): First nuclear test, conducted by the United States in New Mexico.
  2. Ivy Mike (November 1, 1952): First hydrogen bomb test, conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands.
  3. Bravo (March 1, 1954): Largest nuclear test ever conducted, with a yield of 15 megatons, conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands.
  4. Castle Bravo (March 1, 1954): A series of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in the Marshall Islands, including the largest nuclear test ever conducted.

Cold War Era (1961-1989)

  1. Tsar Bomba (October 30, 1961): Largest nuclear test ever conducted, with a yield of 50 megatons, conducted by the Soviet Union in Novaya Zemlya, Russia.
  2. Sedan (July 6, 1962): A nuclear test conducted by the United States in Nevada, which was designed to simulate a nuclear warhead detonation in a crater.
  3. Operation Dominic (April 1962): A series of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in the Pacific Ocean, including the largest nuclear test conducted by the United States.
  4. Vostok (October 1979): A series of nuclear tests conducted by the Soviet Union in Novaya Zemlya, Russia, which included the largest nuclear test conducted by the Soviet Union.

Modern Era (1990-present)

  1. Operation Emory (1991): A series of nuclear tests conducted by the United States in Nevada, which included the first subcritical nuclear test.
  2. Operation Chagan (1991): A series of nuclear tests conducted by the Soviet Union in Kazakhstan, which included the last nuclear test conducted by the Soviet Union.
  3. Punggye-ri (2016): A nuclear test conducted by North Korea, which was its most powerful nuclear test to date.
  4. Moruroa (2016): A nuclear test conducted by France in French Polynesia, which was its first nuclear test in over 20 years.

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other notable nuclear tests not included here.