Tag no longer at ease

Here are some tags that are no longer at ease:

  1. Tense: The word "tense" is no longer at ease, as it's a state of being anxious or worried.
  2. Anxious: Anxious is a feeling of worry or apprehension, which is no longer at ease.
  3. Apprehensive: Apprehensive means feeling worried or uneasy, which is no longer at ease.
  4. Nervous: Nervous is a state of being anxious or uneasy, which is no longer at ease.
  5. On edge: On edge means being in a state of tension or anxiety, which is no longer at ease.
  6. Frazzled: Frazzled means being exhausted or frazzled, which is no longer at ease.
  7. Worried: Worried is a feeling of concern or anxiety, which is no longer at ease.
  8. Uneasy: Uneasy is a feeling of discomfort or anxiety, which is no longer at ease.
  9. Jittery: Jittery means being nervous or anxious, which is no longer at ease.
  10. High-strung: High-strung means being easily upset or anxious, which is no longer at ease.

These are just a few examples of words that are no longer at ease. There are many more words that convey a sense of tension, anxiety, or unease.