Tag nigerias crude oil production

According to the latest data from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Nigeria's crude oil production has been fluctuating over the years. Here are the average daily crude oil production figures for Nigeria from 2010 to 2020:

As you can see, Nigeria's crude oil production has been declining over the years, mainly due to a combination of factors such as:

  1. Natural decline of existing fields
  2. Lack of investment in new fields and infrastructure
  3. Security challenges in the Niger Delta region, which has affected oil production and exports
  4. Competition from other oil-producing countries

In recent years, Nigeria has been working to increase its oil production capacity, with plans to reach 3 million barrels per day by 2025. However, achieving this target will require significant investment in the oil and gas sector, as well as addressing the security challenges in the Niger Delta region.