Tag nigerian association of small scale industrialists

Here is the tag for the Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists:


The Nigerian Association of Small Scale Industrialists (NASSI) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of small-scale industrialists in Nigeria. The association was established in 1989 with the aim of promoting the growth and development of small-scale industries in Nigeria.

NASSI's objectives include:

  1. Promoting the growth and development of small-scale industries in Nigeria
  2. Providing a platform for small-scale industrialists to network and share ideas
  3. Advocating for policies and programs that support the growth of small-scale industries
  4. Providing training and capacity building programs for small-scale industrialists
  5. Facilitating access to finance and other resources for small-scale industrialists

NASSI has over 10,000 members across Nigeria, and its membership is open to all small-scale industrialists, including manufacturers, processors, and service providers.

Some of the key activities of NASSI include:

  1. Organizing annual conferences and exhibitions to promote small-scale industries
  2. Providing training and capacity building programs for small-scale industrialists
  3. Advocating for policies and programs that support the growth of small-scale industries
  4. Facilitating access to finance and other resources for small-scale industrialists
  5. Providing a platform for small-scale industrialists to network and share ideas

Overall, NASSI plays a crucial role in promoting the growth and development of small-scale industries in Nigeria, and its activities have a positive impact on the country's economy.