Tag nigeria women association of georgia nwag

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Nigeria Women Association of Georgia (NWAG)

Tagline: Empowering Nigerian Women in Georgia

Mission: To promote the welfare, unity, and cultural heritage of Nigerian women in Georgia, while fostering a sense of community and providing support to its members.


  1. To provide a platform for Nigerian women in Georgia to connect, share ideas, and build relationships.
  2. To promote cultural exchange and understanding between Nigeria and Georgia.
  3. To support the personal and professional development of Nigerian women in Georgia.
  4. To provide assistance and resources to Nigerian women in Georgia who are facing challenges or difficulties.
  5. To promote the values of Nigerian culture and traditions in Georgia.


  1. Monthly meetings and events
  2. Cultural festivals and celebrations
  3. Professional development workshops and seminars
  4. Mentorship programs
  5. Community service projects
  6. Social gatherings and outings

Membership: Open to all Nigerian women living in Georgia, as well as women of Nigerian descent or those with an interest in Nigerian culture.

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected] Phone: (insert phone number) Facebook: @NigeriaWomenAssociationofGeorgia

Social Media:

Facebook: @NigeriaWomenAssociationofGeorgia Instagram: @nwag.georgia Twitter: @nwag_georgia

Address: (insert address)

Please note that the information provided is subject to change, and it's always best to verify the accuracy of the information with the organization directly.