Tag nigeria sovereign investment authority

Here is the tag for Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority:


The Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA) is a sovereign wealth fund established by the Nigerian government in 2011 to manage a portion of the country's excess oil revenue. The fund's primary objective is to save for future generations and to invest in projects that can generate returns and create jobs.

The NSIA has three main funds:

  1. The Stabilization Fund: This fund is designed to stabilize the economy by investing in assets that can generate returns during periods of economic downturn.
  2. The Future Generations Fund: This fund is designed to save for future generations by investing in assets that can generate returns over the long term.
  3. The Infrastructure Fund: This fund is designed to invest in infrastructure projects that can generate returns and create jobs.

The NSIA has invested in various assets, including real estate, equities, bonds, and infrastructure projects. The fund has also partnered with other investors to co-invest in projects that align with its investment objectives.

You can follow the NSIA on Twitter at @NSIA_NG to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the fund.