Tag nigeria peacekeeping forces

Nigeria has contributed troops to several United Nations peacekeeping missions over the years. Here are some of the notable ones:

  1. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL): Nigeria has contributed troops to UNIFIL since 1978. The current deployment consists of about 900 personnel.
  2. United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO): Nigeria has contributed troops to MONUSCO since 2013. The current deployment consists of about 900 personnel.
  3. United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA): Nigeria has contributed troops to MINUSMA since 2013. The current deployment consists of about 1,200 personnel.
  4. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS): Nigeria has contributed troops to UNMISS since 2011. The current deployment consists of about 900 personnel.
  5. African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM): Nigeria has contributed troops to AMISOM since 2008. The current deployment consists of about 2,000 personnel.
  6. Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG): Nigeria has contributed troops to ECOMOG, a regional peacekeeping force, in several countries including Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea-Bissau.
  7. United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNOGBIS): Nigeria has contributed troops to UNOGBIS, a peacebuilding mission in Guinea-Bissau, since 2009.

These deployments are subject to change, and Nigeria's contributions to these missions may vary depending on various factors, including the country's security situation and international developments.