Tag new niger delta group

Here are some new groups in the Niger Delta region:

  1. Niger Delta Avengers (NDA): A militant group that emerged in 2016, claiming responsibility for several attacks on oil facilities in the region.
  2. Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force (JNDLF): A militant group that was formed in 2017, with the goal of achieving self-determination for the Niger Delta people.
  3. Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate (NDGJM): A militant group that was formed in 2016, with the goal of protecting the environment and natural resources of the Niger Delta region.
  4. Reformed Niger Delta Avengers (RNDA): A militant group that was formed in 2018, with the goal of promoting peace and stability in the Niger Delta region.
  5. Niger Delta People's Volunteer Force (NDPVF): A militant group that was formed in 2019, with the goal of protecting the rights and interests of the Niger Delta people.
  6. Niger Delta Liberation Front (NDLF): A militant group that was formed in 2020, with the goal of achieving self-determination for the Niger Delta people.
  7. Niger Delta Revolutionary Crusaders (NDRC): A militant group that was formed in 2020, with the goal of promoting peace and stability in the Niger Delta region.

Please note that the activities of these groups are often shrouded in secrecy, and their claims of responsibility for attacks on oil facilities and other targets are not always verified. Additionally, the Nigerian government has accused some of these groups of being sponsored by foreign powers, which they deny.