Tag new contract

A "tag new contract" is a common term in the context of software development, particularly in the Agile and Scrum methodologies. Here's what it means:

Tag new contract: In Scrum, a "tag new contract" refers to the process of creating a new contract between the Development Team and the Product Owner for a new Sprint or iteration. This contract outlines the work to be done, the acceptance criteria, and the expected outcomes for the upcoming Sprint.

The purpose of a tag new contract is to:

  1. Clarify expectations: Ensure that both the Development Team and the Product Owner are on the same page regarding the work to be done, the priorities, and the acceptance criteria.
  2. Set boundaries: Define the scope of work, the resources required, and the timelines for completion.
  3. Establish accountability: Clearly outline the responsibilities of each team member and the Product Owner.

A tag new contract typically includes the following elements:

  1. Product Backlog Items (PBIs): A list of user stories, features, or tasks to be completed during the Sprint.
  2. Acceptance Criteria: The conditions that must be met for each PBI to be considered complete and accepted.
  3. Estimates: The Development Team's estimates of the effort required to complete each PBI.
  4. Priorities: The order in which the PBIs will be addressed during the Sprint.
  5. Dependencies: Any dependencies between PBIs or with external stakeholders.

By creating a tag new contract, the Development Team and the Product Owner can ensure a clear understanding of the work to be done, which helps to:

In summary, a tag new contract is a crucial step in the Scrum process that helps to establish a clear understanding of the work to be done, sets boundaries, and ensures accountability among team members and stakeholders.