Tag nec meeting

Here is a template for a TAG (Technical Advisory Group) meeting:

TAG Meeting Agenda

Date: [Insert Date] Time: [Insert Time] Location: [Insert Location or Virtual Meeting Link]




  1. Introduction and Welcome (5 minutes)
    • Welcome and introductions
    • Review of the meeting objective and agenda
  2. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes (10 minutes)
    • Review of the previous meeting minutes and action items
    • Discussion of any outstanding issues or concerns
  3. New Business (60 minutes)
    • Presentation of new topics or issues for discussion
    • Open discussion and debate
  4. Action Items and Next Steps (10 minutes)
    • Review of action items and next steps
    • Assignment of tasks and responsibilities
  5. Open Discussion and Q&A (10 minutes)
    • Open discussion and Q&A session
    • Addressing any remaining questions or concerns


Note-Taking and Minutes:


Remember to keep the agenda concise and focused on the most important topics. Encourage active participation and open discussion among attendees.