Tag national integrated power projects

Here are some notable national integrated power projects:

  1. India's National Solar Mission: A comprehensive program to promote solar energy in India, with a target of 100 GW of solar power by 2022.
  2. India's National Wind Power Mission: A program to promote wind energy in India, with a target of 60 GW of wind power by 2022.
  3. India's National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) Projects: A series of hydroelectric power projects across India, including the 1,000 MW Teesta Urja Hydroelectric Project and the 1,200 MW Koldam Hydroelectric Project.
  4. India's National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Projects: A series of thermal power projects across India, including the 4,000 MW Barh Super Thermal Power Project and the 2,400 MW Kudgi Super Thermal Power Project.
  5. India's National Power Grid Corporation of India (POWERGRID) Projects: A series of transmission projects across India, including the 765 kV North-East Transmission System and the 765 kV Western Region Transmission System.
  6. China's National Grid Power Transmission Project: A comprehensive project to upgrade and expand China's power transmission grid, with a focus on improving grid reliability and efficiency.
  7. China's National Renewable Energy Target (2016-2020): A program to promote renewable energy in China, with a target of 20% of the country's energy mix coming from non-fossil fuels by 2020.
  8. United States' Smart Grid Investment Grant Program: A program to promote the development of smart grid technologies in the United States, with a focus on improving grid reliability, efficiency, and sustainability.
  9. European Union's Energy Union Strategy: A comprehensive strategy to promote energy security, sustainability, and competitiveness in the European Union, with a focus on integrating renewable energy sources into the grid.
  10. Brazil's National Energy Plan (PNE): A comprehensive plan to promote energy security, sustainability, and competitiveness in Brazil, with a focus on increasing the use of renewable energy sources and improving grid efficiency.

These are just a few examples of national integrated power projects. There are many more projects underway around the world, aimed at promoting energy security, sustainability, and competitiveness.