Tag national assembly complex

The National Assembly Complex is a government building complex located in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. It is the seat of the National Assembly of Nigeria, which is the country's bicameral legislature. The complex is home to the Senate and the House of Representatives, as well as other government agencies and institutions.

Here are some interesting facts about the National Assembly Complex:

  1. Architecture: The complex was designed by the Nigerian architect, Chike Nwakanma, and was completed in 2006. It is a modern building with a mix of traditional and contemporary architectural styles.
  2. Location: The complex is located in the heart of Abuja, near the Three Arms Zone, which is the seat of the federal government.
  3. Size: The complex covers an area of approximately 50 hectares (123 acres) and has a total floor area of about 100,000 square meters (1.08 million square feet).
  4. Chambers: The complex has two main chambers: the Senate Chamber and the House of Representatives Chamber. The Senate Chamber has 109 seats, while the House of Representatives Chamber has 360 seats.
  5. Committee Rooms: The complex has several committee rooms where members of the National Assembly hold meetings and conduct hearings.
  6. Library: The complex has a large library that serves as a resource center for members of the National Assembly and the public.
  7. Security: The complex has a robust security system, with multiple layers of security checks and surveillance cameras.
  8. Parking: The complex has a large parking lot that can accommodate hundreds of vehicles.
  9. Amenities: The complex has several amenities, including restaurants, cafes, and a medical center.
  10. Symbolism: The National Assembly Complex is a symbol of Nigeria's democracy and represents the country's commitment to parliamentary governance.

Overall, the National Assembly Complex is an important landmark in Nigeria and serves as a symbol of the country's democratic institutions.