Tag naira records all time low of n420 against dollar

I think there may be a mistake here.

Naira, the official currency of Nigeria, has indeed experienced a significant depreciation against the US dollar in recent times. However, I couldn't find any reliable sources indicating that the Naira has reached an all-time low of N420 against the dollar.

According to data from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and other reliable sources, the Naira has been trading around N360-370 per dollar in recent months. While it's true that the Naira has been experiencing a decline in value against the dollar due to various economic factors, including a decline in oil prices, a widening trade deficit, and a lack of foreign exchange reserves, an all-time low of N420 is not supported by available data.

It's possible that you may have come across an outdated or incorrect report. If you could provide more context or a source for the information, I'd be happy to help clarify the situation.